Know The Provisions Applicable On Your Company


A. On the basis of Paid-up Capital

S. No. Paid-up Capital Provision
1. More than 1 crore CARO
2. More than 2 crore 1. Certification of Annual Return by PCS
2.Cash Flow statements
3. 5 crore or more 1. Annual filling in “XBRL” Format {AOC-4 XBRL}
4. 10 crore or more 1. Whole time Company Secretary
2. Certification of Annual Return in Form MGT 8 by a PCS
5. 50 Crore or more Rotation of Auditor

B. On the basis of Turnover

S. No. Turnover Provision
1. More than 20 crore 1. Annual returns to be signed by a Company Secretary in employment.
2. In the absence of CS, by a practicing Company Secretary.
3. Cash Flow statements
2. 50 Crore or more Annul return certification by CS (MGT-8)
3. More than 10 crore CARO
4. 100 crore or more Annual filling in “XBRL” Format {AOC-4 XBRL}
5. 200 crore or more Internal Auditor
6. 1000 crore or more CSR

C. On the basis of Borrowings

S. No. Borrowings & deposit Provision
1. Outstanding loan from any bank or financial institution exceed `1 crore CARO
2. Public borrowings from banks/financial institutions or public deposits of more than `50 Crore; Rotation of Auditor
3. Outstanding loan or borrowings from banks or financial institutions exceeding 100 Crore at any point of time during the preceding financial year; Internal Auditor
4. Have borrowed money from banks and financial institutions in excess of `50 Crore; Vigil Mechanism
5. Outstanding loan or borrowings from banks or financial institutions exceeding 100 Crore at the end of the Financial year Secretarial Audit

D. On the basis of Net Worth

S. No. Net Worth Provision
1. 250 Crore or more Indian AS XBRL
2. 500 crore or more CSR

E. On the basis of Net Profit

S. No. Net Profit Provision
1. 5 crore or more CSR


A. On the basis of Paid-up Capital

S. No. Paid-up Capital Provision
1. All Public Companies irrespective of Capital 1. Annual return to be signed by a Company Secretary in employment.
2. In the absence of CS, by a practicing Company Secretary
3. Cash Flow statements
2. 5 Crore or more Annual filling in “XBRL” Forma {AOC-4 XBRL}
3. 10 crore or more 1. KMP (Key Managerial Personnel)
2. Independent Director
3. Annual return certification by CS (MGT-8)
4. Audit Committee
5. Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC)
6. Rotation of Auditor
7. Whole time Company Secretary
4. 25 crore or more Board report (a statement indicating the manner in which formal evaluation been made)
5. 50 Crore or more 1. Secretarial Audit
2. Internal Auditor
6. 100 crore or more Women Director

B. On the basis of Turnover

S. No. Turnover Provision
1. All public companies irrespective of turnover 1. Annual return to be signed by a Company Secretary in employment.
2. In the absence of CS, by a practicing Company Secretary
3. Cash Flow statements
2. 50 crore or more Annul return certification by a PCS in form MGT-8
3. 100 crore or more 1. Independent Director
2. Audit Committee
3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC)
4. Annual filling in “XBRL” Format{AOC-4XBRL}
4. 200 Crore Or More Internal Auditor
5. 250 Crore or more Secretarial Audit
6. 300 Crore or more Women Director
7. 1000 Crore or more CSR

C. On the basis of Borrowings

S. No. Borrowings & deposit Provision
1. 1. Outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial institutions exceeding 100 Crore rupees or more at any point of time during the preceding financial year; or;
2. Outstanding Deposits of 25 crore rupees or more at any point of time during the preceding financial year;
Internal Auditor
2. The Public Companies which have, in aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures and deposits, exceeding 50 Crore Independent Director
3. All Companies having public borrowings from Financial Institutions, banks or public deposits of 50 Crore or more; Rotation of Auditor
4. The Public Companies which have, in aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures; and deposits, exceeding 50 Crore 1. Audit Committee
2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC)
5. 1. accept deposits from the public;
2. have borrowed money from Banks and PFI in excess of ` 50 crores under section 177(9) read with Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014
Vigil Mechanism
6. Outstanding loan or borrowings from banks or financial institutions exceeding 100 Crore at the end of the financial year Secretarial Audit

D. On the basis of Net Profit

S. No. Net Profit Provision
1. 5 crore or More CSR
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